What am i doing now?...
9:26 PM Edit This 0 Comments »I took one day leave.. so that i can stay home and keep my going to be rubbish centre room... so in the end what did i really do?... Let see.. i went back to work and left at about 11am.. then i came back.. put my comforter (which by the way.. i accidentally created a hole in it because i did not push it deep into the washing machine and with that hole chip away a corner of my heart.. haiz..).. then i started to fold my clothes.. and i end up... uploading photographs into multiply and now blogging!!!... Obviously you can see i dun really like to fold clothes alot!.. ahahaha..

Anyway... to the dye another day blog entry.. yes i went to dye my hair red... ang kong kong mah.. resulting in me dun dare to wash my hair because i noe the colourrr will fade once i wash it and then it will become washed out red or orange colour and i will be orang utan which btw eat bread has already turn into given that she wash her hair everything because she said she cannot stand the itchiness when she doesnt wash her hair for more than one day.... to give you a view of my RED hair...
So here it goes... ang enough right! I also think so.. q=
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