My feeling...

9:06 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hmm found this song on youtube.. like it quite alot.. reason being.. check out the lyrics..

Anyway.. some updates on my life.. started my new job for three weeks le.. today i am on mc.. coz i am suffering from a 'package' illness that is inclusive of giddiness, cough, sore throat and flu.. that is how the doc term it.. it all comes in a package when i told him i feel giddy.. My neph.. LKK is in hospital.. some doc say he got pneumonia.. some say otherwise.. nt too sure yet what is wrong wif him.. but he cant be discharge yet.. coz doc say that they had to monitor that he does not have fever for 24 hr first then he can be discharged.. he was admitted into the hospital yesterday morning at ard 3am.. then i wanted to go and visit him.. and really meant to visit him.. spend time there with him.. accompany him..

Then i realise something... i am cold blooded.. i nv know how it felt like when you attend the funeral of somebody that you love deeply.. feel that heart pain feeling.. i always thot that when friends surrounding me lost their grandparents they will feel sad and the type of heartpain that i have nv felt before.. afterall i was nv close to my grandparents.. so when they pass away.. i was okie.. no heart pain.. not really griefing.. and i realise that i nv know what it meant like to really whole heartly wants to visit somebody in the hospital either.. coz i was thinking yesterday.. i am going to stay at the hospital for a longer time wif LKK.. then i thot what was i goin to do while staying there wif him.. then i thot of what i used to do when i was young and in the past when i visit a person.. then i realise that everytime when i goes to the hospital to visit somebody else in the hospital.. the impact is not that great.. cant really get connected to the patient.. i will feel sorry for them.. but then the concern lvl is never really very great...

Conclusion: I am cold blooded.. once i give up on somebody.. i can really be feelingless...